Tuesday, October 13, 2009


This blog has been a long time coming. I made this recipe about 3 weeks ago and took a photo of the finished product knowing my desire to share it with all of you and I finally have a second to sit down and tell you about this yummy recipe. So when I was jobless I had a few cooking shows that I loved watching one of them being Giada at Home. She makes such fun and things they are all Italian and also it's fun to hear all the correct pronunciations of many Italian words. A month ago she made a recipe that is called Stuffed Shells with Crispy Pancetta and Spinach and it looked so good. A few days later I decided to give it a go and make the shells. This was my first shell stuffing attempt and I was excited! I went to the grocery store to get all my yummy ingredients but sadly I could not find the Pancetta which is and Italian style bacon. I could have used American bacon instead but I decided to stick with the spinach and delicious cheeses. Making these shells was so much fun I loved the stuffing part. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to cut the recipe in half it makes a whole lot of shells which we were gladly eating for days. Here is a picture of how they turned out.

I must say that writing this blog reminds me of an amazing movie that I watched twice this summer once with my lovely Mom and then I made my wonderful Husband watch it with me again :). It is Julie and Julia if you have not seen this movie I highly recommend you watching it as soon as possible. It was such a fun movie that was first a book. It is about a girl named Julie who decides to write a blog about her cooking her way through Julia Child's cookbook in 1 year. So as she is cooking all the different recipes she blogs about them. It is so much fun to watch and actually the movie was one of my inspirations for starting this blog.


  1. Look delicious!!! I love that movie!!!

  2. Those look good!! I'll have to try this sometime. Finally saw Julie & Julia at the new theater. I loved it too!
